
Effective assessment provides information to improve teaching and learning. We undertake two different but complementary types of assessment: assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning (formative assessment) involves the use of assessment in the classroom to raise pupil achievement. It is based on the idea that pupils will improve most if they understand the aim of their learning, where they are in relation to this aim, and how they can achieve the aim (in order to close the gap in their knowledge). Teachers continually assess the learning of the pupils in order to adapt each lesson for the pupils. Assessment of learning (summative assessment) involves judging pupils’ performance against the national standards. Teachers will make these judgements at appropriate assessment points throughout the year, these are all recorded either in books against targets or on Spreadsheets. Staff also submit a data drop each half term to reflect where the pupils are up to at that point. This in turn then allows for interventions to be arranged where necessary. Some of this data is collected from half termly assessments in Mathematics, Reading and Writing. In Reception, the staff plan exciting learning opportunities for the pupils based on the specific areas of learning outlined in the EYFS guidance. At the start of Reception, pupils will all complete a Baseline Assessment in line with the Government guidelines and this progress will be used as a starting point to their learning. Staff constantly observe and assess pupil’s development and progress. Pupils are taught through a combination of whole class sessions, targeted groups activities or on an individual basis personalised to the pupil’s ability. Progress is recorded and evidenced where possible using the Sonar Tracker and next steps are generated for each pupil. This progress towards the Early Learning Goals is then collated in individual pupil Learning Journeys.

Year 2 and 6 SATS

Pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 will participate in SATS week in May. These are statutory tests which asses the pupils understanding in Mathematics, Reading and Writing. There is no need to worry about these tests as the pupils spend time preparing for these throughout their time at Dar ul Madinah Primary School.
Further information can be found here: National Curriculum Information for Parents If you wish to support your child further, please speak to their class teacher to find out areas to work on at home.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

Pupils in Year 1 undertake the Phonics Screening Check each June on a one-to-one basis with a Class Teacher or Teaching Assistant. The test consists of 40 words, some real and some pseudo words. The aim of the test is to see if pupils can blend and segment to support with reading. The pass mark is usually 32 however, this can change and we will only find out this pass mark once it has been released after the assessment period. Further information and past papers can be found here: Phonics screening sample If you wish to support your child further, please speak to their class teacher to find out areas to work on at home.

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

Pupils in Year 4 will participate in the Multiplication check each June. This is an online test where pupils are expected to answer 25 questions on multiplications up to 12×12, they have 6 seconds to answer each question. The pass mark is usually 22, however, we will only find out this pass mark once it has been released after the assessment period and results are available to us. Pupils do this check in small groups in our library with a Class Teacher. Further information and past papers can be found here: Multiplication tables check If you wish to support your child further, please speak to their class teacher to find out areas to work on at home.

Parents Evenings

There are Parents’ Evenings in Autumn term and Spring term to discuss progress and a formal report is provided at the end of the school year. Parents are welcome to make an appointment, via the office at any mutually agreeable time should they have any concern or query about any aspect of their child’s education.