Dar ul Madinah has a system of “Houses”. Every pupil belongs to one of the four Houses, each named after a caliphs of Islam. Assemblies take place each week giving pupils of all ages the opportunity to meet.
Belonging to houses Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali or Uthman gives a pupils another allegiance, beyond his or her class and circle of friends. It also engenders a spirit of healthy, but friendly competition as each pupil earns points for their individual House towards awards, the winner being announced at the Awards Assembly in July.
Points towards the Gulam Rasool Trophy are earned by way of credits for good, positive and helpful behaviour in line with the school values, as well as in teams in a range of academic and extra curricular activities such as, the annual Sports Day also count towards the Gulam Rasool Trophy.
The House system is an integral part of daily life at Dar ul Madinah By promoting good behaviour and sporting participation as it does, it is a key part of the pastoral system at the school. It also gives another opportunity for leadership for the House Captains charged with fielding teams and liaising with those teachers who are appointed as Heads of House.